Reform and Innovation of Financial Teaching in the Environment of Financial Crisis

Journal: Asia-SAME Transactions on Engineering Sciences (ASTE)
Author: Pei Sheng

This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited


How to apply Internet technology to the classroom in the teaching process of applied undergraduate colleges is a question worth studying. At present, in the context of the domestic financial crisis, it is in this form to create learning videos, students can watch at home or outside the classroom, can study completely at home, or can return to the classroom to study. Teachers and students communicate face to face through the network, less a sense of oppression. And the emergence of the financial crisis has replaced the lack of traditional classroom teaching, highlighting the dominant position and encouraging changes in teaching methods. In the environment of financial crisis, the reform and reform of education is still the same theme of the times, especially the development and innovation of educational methods, combined with the current reform of education and learning forms, in fact, the use of information resources sharing. Based on this, a new model suitable for undergraduate education in China is put forward, which can be used for reference to the innovative research of “Internet +” model of undergraduate education. This paper focuses on the financial teaching reform and innovation path under the financial crisis.

Pages 130-135
Year 2020
Issue 1
Volume 1

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