Engineering science is a broad discipline that encompasses many different scientific principles and associated mathematics that underlie engineering. It integrates engineering, biological, chemical, mathematical, and physical sciences with the arts, humanities, social sciences, and the professions to tackle the most demanding challenges and advance the well-being of global society. The unique knowledge and interdisciplinary skill set of engineering scientists allows them to merge multidisciplinary resources to propose and develop innovative, enduring solutions and transform the latest scientific discoveries into enabling new technologies. Engineering scientists research, develop, and design new materials, devices, sensors, and processes for a diverse range of applications.

Asia-SAME Transactions on Engineering Sciences (ISSN: 2377-8970) is calling for papers for Volume 1. We sincerely welcome qualified manuscripts in the following theoretical and scientific aspects of Engineering Sciences,

• Civil Engineering
• Computer Engineering
• Control and System Engineering
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Energy, Environment, and Materials
• Chemical Engineering
• Agricultural and Food Engineering
• Biological & Biosystem Engineering
• Architecture & Planning
• Marine Engineering
• Geological Engineering
• Industrial Engineering
• Engineering Maths and Physics
• Other Fields

We endeavour to fast track the reviews and processing procedure to compress the time between Submission, and Acceptance of Manuscript in our journal. Following acceptance and be edited, the paper will be published online as ASAP (As Soon As Publishable) paper. Once your research paper is published you can see it always online.

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